by Ken Signorello and Irene Wrenner
October 14, 2020
All Quiet on the Merger Front
10/13/20 Village Trustee Meeting
Given the buzz on social media, which has been steady, diverse, and passionate, one would have expected to hear hours of commentary in this official forum. Brown seemed perplexed and relieved at the same time.
Evan Teich, Town / Village Manager, alerted voters that the second ballot they are receiving is from the Village. It is likely not a duplicate of the state-mailed ballot from weeks earlier. Please do not return this ballot to the clerk; it contains your merger and annual meeting preference votes.
Diane Clemens, poll captain in the Village, noted that masks are required on school property; therefore, masks must be worn if you vote in person at EHS. If you cannot wear a mask, you will be helped to vote outside the building.
The next public hearing is on October 27th. And the last day to vote is November 3rd.
In other merger news, expenses-to-date to promote the Village Vote include $4,186 for a mailer and $2,200 for a video. This leaves a $1,600 balance, which the Trustee opted to not spend this election season.

Fifty members of the public turned out for the first of two Merger Vote public hearings on Tuesday, October 13th. Andrew Brown, Village President, offered a PowerPoint overview of the Village Trustees’ merger plan. Then the floor was opened for public comment, and there was . . . none!