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Our webmaster has successfully run for the State Senate.
Super Sucker 5500 to be Replaced
New Senate District Candidates are Lining up
2022 Vermont Senate Districts Set
Spongy Moths Ready to Hatch 4/12/22 Conservation & Trails Committee Meeting
Trustees Plan to Celebrate Independence 4/13/22 Trustee Meeting Highlights
Glavel Neighbors Complain about Noise and Odor
Map of New House Districts
Trustees Place a LOT on the April Ballot
3/8/22 Trustee Meeting
March Election Results
Selectboard Race Attracts Outsized Funding
Essex ReTorter Hosts Selectboard Candidate Debate at Uncommon Coffee
Some Town Meeting Ballots Mailed to the Wrong Voters
‘Got Pot?’ March Vote to Decide on Retail Cannabis
One-Year Selectboard Seat Has Competition
Four Candidates Vy for Three Selectboard Seats
Projected TOV Separation Costs Less Than Merger
1/3/22 Selectboard Meeting Highlights
Joint Boards Owe Unified Manager $85,000 Severance
Officials Push For Local Option Tax Vote in March
Cady Hosts an Education Town Hall Meeting
Seniors Celebrate Native American Heritage Month
Public Demands Diversity on EWSD Board But Campaign Based on Leaked Info Fails
$76: Projected Town Tax Increase
11/9/21 and 11/15/21 Town FY23 Budget Work Sessions
Uncommon Coffee Takes Home 1st and 3rd in Latte Art Contest
$132: Projected Village Tax Increase
11/4/21 Village FY23 Budget Work Session
Candid Conversations on Separation
Road Salt Season Ahead: Supply Uncertain
10/4/21 Selectboard Meeting
Brown Promises Separation Savings
9/28/21 Trustee Meeting
School Board Chair Sells But Stays
Essex Rescue Anticipates Move
Stevens Park: Emerald in the City
Labor Day Water Main Break
Takeover of Tree Farm Facility Fails
8/23/21 Joint Selectboard & Trustee Meeting
EJRP to EPR: You're Out!
One Out, One Up, One Re-Open
8/17/21 Selectboard Meeting
Staff: Merge Fire Budgets Before Separation Vote
8/4/21 & 8/6/21 Public Forums
REAL ESTATE: This commercial property in the heart of downtown Essex Junction is ripe for redevelopment
Raptors, Reptiles and Rabbit Promote Reading
Essex Free Library Summer Reading Program
Trustees Send Separation Conditions to Selectboard
7/19/21 Joint Board Meeting
Boards Discuss Separation-with-Sharing
June 2021 Trustee and Selectboard Meetings
SB Agrees to Talk to Trustees About Sharing
6/21/21 Selectboard Meeting
EWSD was All Ears
6/7/21 Special School Board Meeting
Cyber Abuse Targets Watts, Wrenner
Essex Talks about Race & Equity in Schools
5/28/21 Grange & Church Meetings in Essex Center
Sock Puppets Don't Vote
Village Values: Privacy, Quiet, Independence
4/27/21 Trustee Meeting
SB Vice Chair is Sorry-Not-Sorry
4/19/21 Selectboard Meeting
School & Municipal Upsets
4/13/21 Elections
Records Withheld by Haney
Public Records Request Not Fulfilled
Trustees Take Two Tracks Toward Separation
4/14/21 Trustee Meeting
SB Leaders Caught Covertly Communicating in Meeting
3/25/21 Selectboard Meeting
“Yikes!” says New Chair Upon Election
4/5/21 Selectboard Meeting
NO Merger Wins, Re-Vote Scheduled
Official Memorial Day Parade Nixed
Local Restaurateur to the Rescue
Trustees Talk Merger Alternatives
3/23/21 Trustee Meeting
A Recount of the Recount
3/8/21 Recount of March votes
Bogus Accounts Breach FPF
Recount Narrows Margin But Outcomes Stand
3/8/21 BCA Meeting and Recounts
EDC to Study Local Option Tax
2/22/21 Special Meeting
Close Calls as Merger Falls
3/2/21 Town Meeting Day Election
Campaign Finance Complaint: "One Essex" Negligent in Filing
Essex Free Library Board of Directors Rejects Pro-Merger Sign
Merger Plan (and Front Porch Forum) Unzipped
2/16/21 Selectboard Meeting
Selectboard Notables / History
Legislators Virtually Visit EWSD
1/12/21 Essex Westford School District Meeting
New Rules!
2/1/21 Selectboard Meeting
Citizen Convinces Board to Alter Budget
1/28/21 Selectboard Meeting
Macy Does the Math on Merger Costs
1/25/21 Joint Board Meeting
Town Budget Public Hearing Re-Do on Feb. 1st
1/19/21 Selectboard Meeting
What's That Smell?
1/12/21 Trustee Meeting
Content of Merger Plan Squeaks By, FY22 Budget Set
1/11/21 Selectboard Meeting
15 Takeaways on the Town Budget
1/4/21 Selectboard Meeting
2020 in the Rear View
Essex Boards Dazzled by Legislators
12/28/20 Joint Selectboard and Trustee Meeting
"Show Me the Money!"
12/22/20 Trustee Meeting
15 Takeaways from the Village Budget Summit
Residents' Food Insecurity Rising
COVID Won't Cancel Town "Merger" Vote
12/7/20 Selectboard Meeting
Campaign Finance Complaint Lodged Against Village PAC
Rakes and Shovels and Wheels, Oh My!
11/1/20 "Dig Day" at Maple Street Bike Park
"Ready, Fire, Aim"
11/23/20 Joint Board Meeting
Public Suggests Merger Plan Not Ready for Prime Time
11/16/20 Selectboard Meeting
Essex High School Places 2nd at Vermont Debate & Forensic League Speech Tournament
Selectboard Chair Seeks Input, if it Conforms
11/2/20 Selectboard Meeting
Million Dollar Meeting
11/10/20 Trustee Rundown
November Election Highlights
Permanent Pavilion Replaces Library's Windblown Tent
11/02/20 Trustee Meeting
Public Hearing Yields Some Contradictory Merger Info
10/27/20 Trustee Meeting
Officials Plow Ahead with Plans for a New Tax
10/26/20 Selectboard / Trustee Joint Meeting
Village Concerns Dominate Planning Parley
10/20/20 Joint Board Meeting with Planning/Zoning Boards
Weatherization Guide for Homeowners
Essex Energy Committee
All Quiet on the Merger Front
10/13/20 Village Trustee Meeting
Top Cop Talks Traffic Stops
Townwide “Out & About” Event, Oct. 17 - 18
Trails and Tribulations
10/5/20 Selectboard Meeting Summary
Town Meeting is on the Ballot
November 3rd Election Preview
Merger / Separation Quick Study
Separation Yields Faster Tax Relief
9/28/20 Joint Selectboard/Trustees Meeting
SX Imitates SNL
Packed Agenda Falls Victim to the Clock
9/24/20 Trustee Meeting Rundown
Town Installs Ballot Deposit Box
9/21/20 Selectboard Meeting Summary
Chapin: "The People's Orchard"
Side By Each: Simultaneous Meetings
9/8/20 Selectboard & Trustee Meetings
Phil Scott Holds Up Amtrak Re-Start
Village-Only Merger Vote:
'Fellowship of the Rings' Falters
Openings and Fillings
8/25/20 Trustee Meeting Rundown
Staff Suggests Merger is the Way Forward
8/25/20 Joint Board Meeting
“No Skateboarding in the Village!”
8/17/20 Trustee Meeting Rundown
Trustees Warn Merger Vote in November for Village Only
Budget-to-Ballot Question Goes to Town Voters
8/18/20 Selectboard Meeting Rundown
Densmore Drive Culvert Replacement Next Spring
Saturday Design Charrette for Pocket Park
Meeting Begets Meeting
8/13/20 Selectboard Meeting Rundown
Merger Charter “Good Enough?"
8/11/20 Trustee Meeting Rundown
Vermont House Primary Results for Essex
Trustees: Put Ballot Budget Question on Nov. Ballot
8/11/20 Trustee Meeting
Charter Change Held Hostage to Merger for Years
Citizens Seek Stat’s on Separation
Village Tax Rate Set
Is Downtown District at Risk in a Merger?
Handy Granted 3-Year Tax Break
Selectboard Meeting Run Down, July 20th
"Open and Outside" Update
No Stomach for Merger?
Trustees Won't Beg and Murray Conveys Regrets
Fireworks at Joint Board Meeting, July 6