SB Agrees to Talk to Trustees About Sharing
6/21/21 Selectboard Meeting
by Irene Wrenner
June 22, 2021
The SB met on June 21st back at 81 Main Street, as well as via Teams, allowing two-way participation from either home or (town) office, although post-exec session was in-person only.
The Selectboard voted unanimously to:
-- be open to a discussion with the Trustees re sharing police department in the long-term and possible sharing of Parks & Recreation, Clerk/Treasurer, Finance, and IT in the short-term. The Town would also like to share the Assessor (post executive session).
-- spend $3,000 on public listening sessions this summer regarding separation and the future of governance in Essex from their FY22 professional services budget. Jennifer Knauer would facilitate.
-- reappoint John Mangan to the Town Planning Commission, after his submitting a resignation earlier this spring and being convinced to stay.

-- authorize spending nearly $110,000 on slip lining the storm water pipes on Sand Hill Road. Funding will come from residual FY21 public works monies and the rest from the FY22 highway/capital accounts.
-- Saturday’s Juneteenth Celebration was commended.
-- a public member asked when the Town will have a permanent Community Development Director.